He Is Faithful Even When We Are Not

Some things are hard to believe. Isaiah prophesies that the powerful kingdoms harassing Judah from the north will be overturned within a generation. All Ahaz needs is faith: “If you do not establish your faith, you will not be established” (Isaiah 7:9b). Knowing...

Under Every Stone

Is a demon involved when something bad happens? Many of the people Jesus restores from physical and spiritual infirmities are oppressed by demons (e.g., Matthew 12:23, Matthew 8:23ff). Satan tempts Jesus (Matthew 4:1-11), and Jesus warns Peter that the adversary...

Stand in Faith

Luke uses allusions to the world’s darkness, the Death of the Innocents, and Rachel’s weeping to describe Jesus’ death in his gospel (23:44-49). So the crucifixion carries the burden of history’s sin and law, man’s lostness and Israel’s longing. After the burial, Luke...

That’s Not Why I Believe | Episode 87

In evangelism, we often feel like we must reason someone into the kingdom of God, removing nearly all their doubts. Barry recounts what did lead him to faith, what did not, and what has kept him there.         Scripture: 1 Tim 2:10-13 Referenced...

Resurrection and the Paranormal | Episode 78

What do the Chupacabra, the return of JFK Jr., and the resurrection have in common, Barry asks. Hopefully, nothing. Barry reminds us that the strength or passion of our faith isn’t as important as its object. A believer’s devotedness to both the return of Elvis and...