All Day Long | Episode 136

Barry covers Psalm 71, highlighting that in David’s very best moments, what might have looked like his apparent strength to others was actually his dependence on God. In this description of David’s “strength” we see a golden nugget: the further we seem to be from...

Out of This World | Episode 132

We may prefer our day-to-day experiences, to understand and measure out our lives with coffee spoons. But Barry reminds us that God is beyond understanding. The fact that our relationship with God is the most fulfilling thing we can experience means we must also be...

A Three-Legged Pony in a Thoroughbred Race

Throughout most of my life, a spare tire was the difference between a flat ending a road trip and only delaying it—a fact affirmed by the axiomatic idiom about rubber meeting road. My teenaged kids all learned to change tires because their treads (and ours) were as...

The Divide

As our vehicle approaches the summit of Wolf Creek Pass in Southwest Colorado, I explain the concept of the continental divide to 2 of my young grandchildren. Ascending one moment, I explain that if a flake of snow falls on this side of the mountain, when it melts, it...

He Is Faithful Even When We Are Not

Some things are hard to believe. Isaiah prophesies that the powerful kingdoms harassing Judah from the north will be overturned within a generation. All Ahaz needs is faith: “If you do not establish your faith, you will not be established” (Isaiah 7:9b). Knowing...