Bloated Stars: Part 2 | Episode 113

Imprecision may be the bane of our existence, but it is also the reason we have hope. Thank the Lord we have someone who can reach into our imperfect world and lives. So, what then is our job? Our job is to pursue the righteousness (justice) we know only He can...

A Good Show | Episode 64

Given the choice between duty and authenticity, Barry talks about faithfulness less as the power to overcome our old nature and more as living authentically as the person we are going to be than the person we used to be.       Book: Groundwork for the...

Self-Help for Society: Historical Tradition | Episode 53

Barry asks the question: What keeps society together even when life and conflict fray the social fabric? Ultimately, we must recognize and measure the difference between what we ought to be and what we are–the only way to pursue virtue; the only way to take one...

So Heavenly Minded | Episode 40

Barry talks about why it is important to consider the ramifications of a choice before one needs to make it. He covers some fundamental aspects of ethics, reviews what ethics can’t do, and explains why on earth he is talking about what most people often ignore.  ...

An Insult to Your Sovereignty: Part 2 | Episode 30

This episode completes our insult to your sovereignty and holiness. A thorough insult requires two steps: 1) acknowledging that our moral duties may oppose one another at times (there are several right things we should do but choosing one negates the other) and 2)...