by Daisy Reynolds | Nov 27, 2024
Barry finishes up this series on elections and consequences. He talks about a few things we need to remember about people, what we must acknowledge about ourselves, and how these things should shape our faith in a God who knows all of that too. Scriptures: Heb...
by Daisy Reynolds | Nov 20, 2024
Barry begins a series about the interaction between populations and their leaders. In this episode he discusses what he has learned from election cycles since his young adult years, and the unfortunate truth behind Plato’s great brute. As someone may rightly ask in...
by Daisy Reynolds | Nov 13, 2024
Barry talks about Psalm 85 and the all-sufficient nature of God. There is a magical story of a meeting on a roadway, a declaration of peace in a war-torn creation, and a happily-ever-after springing from the ground. Scriptures: Psalm 85, 14:1-7...