Dive deeper into your faith with Dr. Barry Creamer.

The Help We Really Need

The Help We Really Need

“I could use some help,” I say to the nurse at a retreat center where kids from my church are in camp. “My thumb has been sore for a while and isn’t getting better.” A couple of months prior (when I was young and volleyball nets were much lower) I dislocated my thumb...

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Seek Judgment in Yahweh’s Court Only

Seek Judgment in Yahweh’s Court Only

“Against you, you only, have I sinned…” (Psalm 51:4). The omission of that statement is as culpable as the person who expresses it “when Nathan the prophet went to him, after he had gone in to Bathsheba” (Psalm 51: superscript). The acts amalgamated into this sin are...

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God Counts Them

God Counts Them

“Something there is that doesn't love a wall, That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it And spills the upper boulder in the sun, And makes gaps even two can pass abreast. The work of hunters is another thing: I have come after them and made repair Where they have...

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Da Da Da Dum.

Da Da Da Dum.

Almost everyone is familiar with the opening phrase of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony. Da da da dum; da da da dum. The motif is now ubiquitous. Some riffs, rhythms, and even lyrics ensconce themselves in the mind so tenaciously it is hard to imagine a world without them:...

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Frogs Surprisingly Like Humans

Frogs Surprisingly Like Humans

Already turned back from two trails by deep water, I took one covered by only a few inches of slow overflow from the nearby creek. Now pedaling inconsistently at a snail’s pace, I looked down to see a small frog cross just in front of me, swimming unevenly,...

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Remembering the Savior Crucified

Remembering the Savior Crucified

The attached painting is by 19th Century German Romantic artist Caspar David Friedrich: Cross and Church in the Mountains, 1812. As a movement, Romanticism paints emotion, mystery, belonging, and nature on the Enlightenment’s rationalism, science, individualism, and...

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Dallas, TX 75246