Convenience vs. Risk

As I gather information for the previous year’s taxes, there are a few websites from which I will draw my information. To make access simpler, I keep a list of account names, numbers, and passwords. Saturday morning I try accessing one of those websites. I use an old...

Dual Citizenship for Believers

We are the church. Described as a society, family, and structure, we are “…fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole...

May We Be Faithful Stewards

A while back, Dr. Lamar Cooper asked for a time to visit me in my office. (He has since passed.) I wondered if he was going to update me on his recent writings or the Qumran dig. Instead, he entered with a thick quarto-sized volume and offered it to me as a gift: an...

Lay Down Good Tracks

Awaking the second morning of a stay in Colorado to a fresh layer of snow, we insulated ourselves against the cold and ventured out like Texas rubes to explore the vast and pristine wilderness of our cabin’s mountainside driveway. It is actually more impressive and...

The Reminder Is the Easy Part

There is a basic truth in the first seven verses of The Book of Proverbs. The passage begins with three things for us to do: to know, to understand, and to receive. The middle of the passage prescribes that even the wise increase in learning, while those who...

Consciousness Is A Weird Thing

Indulge me two paragraphs, one philosophical and one personal, and I will do my best to encourage your regard for others. Consciousness is a weird thing. Weirdness 1: The privileged access I have to my own consciousness. What I think is what I think I think, and...