Beware: Pottery in Use

They sit in perfectly disarrayed order unused for the moment: bowls with or without legs or pedestal; jars and cups with and without handle; pots, vases, dishes, pitchers. Each is the product of a loved daughter’s hand—testimony to the creativity and artisanship she...

Dragons on the Ceiling

Two year old children do not often go quietly into any good night. That truth being instantiated recently, a dad lies down with his toddler son, attempting to apply the sedative of presence. “Dad, there are two dragons on the ceiling.” “No, son, that’s a ceiling fan.”...

Aroma of Christ

“Where on earth is that smell coming from?” I caught the slightest waft entering the garage. But now, opening the driver’s side door, the cab of my truck seems a more obvious source. I don’t remember noticing the scent when I parked in the garage last night. And now...

Getting There

So you accepted the invitation to spend a few months in a caravan of RVs orbiting a couple of hundred miles above earth’s recent mayhem. Your friends are in the RV just ahead of you at the same altitude. You’d like to catch up with them, dock, and play some board...