by Daisy Reynolds | Sep 14, 2022
What do drooling on one’s beard and finding victory through praise have to do with one another, you may ask? Barry talks about the background of Psalm 34 and the elements that lead to heartfelt praise: Praise rises when need becomes faith, faith becomes hope, and hope...
by Daisy Reynolds | Sep 7, 2022
Have you noticed how many times you can repeat the same argument with your loved one and the outcome never change? Barry talks about seeing the structures or system behind a particular argument/situation in order to bring about lasting change. Link to...
by Daisy Reynolds | Aug 31, 2022
Information may be freer, but truth—not so much. Barry describes how we can see the truth and cling to it, while also improving our Spidey sense to recognize when something is wrong with the words we have received. Scripture: 1 Samuel 28 Philippians 1...
by Daisy Reynolds | Aug 24, 2022
The modern and existential paradigms seem worlds apart, and neither is necessarily better than the other—so how do the different paradigm-holders connect with each other? The life change described in Psalm 32 is a great place to start. Scriptures:...
by Daisy Reynolds | Aug 17, 2022
In our second part of the In Bad Faith series, Barry provides another example of when the result of our faith’s practice contradicts its real end: inequality vs complementarity. Scripture: Genesis 2:18-25 Referenced Episode: In Bad Faith: Part 1 (Ep...