by Daisy Reynolds | Nov 23, 2022
Many of us have traditions we maintain over Thanksgiving such as thanking God for those around our table or thanking him for something good that has happened to us over the last year. However, Barry throws a wrench in the thankful works, when he suggests that to the...
by Daisy Reynolds | Nov 16, 2022
Barry walks us through five excellent poems about love, sorrow, and sacrifice. In doing so, he reminds us that good poetry not only reveals something about the universe, but also something significant about ourselves. Poems: “Marvel No More” and...
by Daisy Reynolds | Nov 9, 2022
Barry talks about the many influences on the development of beliefs in an individual, from genetics and environment to an existentialist’s will. However, most importantly, he points to the reason it’s worth wrestling to shape our beliefs: so that Christians attain to...
by Daisy Reynolds | Nov 2, 2022
Ever thought of Psalms as just a book of hunky-dory descriptions about how lovely God is? Think again. Psalm 38 describes a journey from crushing discipline to deliverance. The surprising part is that the journey begins and ends in the same place. ...