by Daisy Reynolds | Feb 1, 2023
Barry talks about the power of presence and populations disadvantaged by being out of sight and out of mind. That’s why the unborn need us to speak for them. But it’s also why we have to see the humanity in those we speak to, including those who have forgotten the...
by Daisy Reynolds | Jan 25, 2023
We walk through Psalm 42, surrounded by desert, crying out in thirst. As we do, Barry reminds us that there are actually no deserts with God and what we must do is open our eyes to his provision. Hope is strong enough to quench our thirst here and now. ...
by Daisy Reynolds | Jan 18, 2023
What do the Chupacabra, the return of JFK Jr., and the resurrection have in common, Barry asks. Hopefully, nothing. Barry reminds us that the strength or passion of our faith isn’t as important as its object. A believer’s devotedness to both the return of Elvis and...
by Daisy Reynolds | Jan 11, 2023
Barry finishes up the series on forgiveness and repentance, keeping in mind that knowing the destination is forgiveness doesn’t make the journey simple. This episode focuses on how the offended and community deal with offenders, pointing out that mercy does not have...
by Daisy Reynolds | Jan 4, 2023
Barry continues our series about repentance and forgiveness, providing a few examples from Scripture. These examples help us describe the differences between regret, remorse, restitution, repentance, and resignation for violator, violated, judges, society, and God....