A Journey to Nowhere: Part 2 | Episode 100

This second episode of our series about real change has something for everyone: gnats, hermeneutics, corn shucking, and camels. Barry provides a few more instances of the ways in which we pitch our tent on the bridge instead of crossing over where love of God and...

A Journey to Nowhere: Part 1 | Episode 99

Barry begins a series about real change and how sometimes we stop short of it: instead of crossing a bridge, we pitch our tents in the middle. In this episode he lays that groundwork by citing some real-life (and real embarrassing) examples of this very thing in our...

Famous Failures: Part 2 | Episode 98

Barry covers Psalm 51 in part two of our series on David’s (the man after God’s heart) most famous failures. In this song he points out the insanely good deal we are offered (good news): we beg for mercy, and God gives it, and transformation. Our only requirement:...

Famous Failures: Part 1 | Episode 97

Barry starts a new series on King David’s famous failures and points out aspects of those failures that we commit regularly. Psalm 50 reminds us that while we prefer a talisman what we really need is a Judge whose mercy is as unlimited as his power.    ...

Civility in Armed Civilization: Part 2 | Episode 96

Barry finishes up a 2-part series about gun violence and gun control. The focus, as always is a way to get at a thoughtful and measured conversation, where we hear concerns from the other side, and come up with compromises that make things better, and hopefully make...