Seeking Seekers | Episode 105

Barry compares two psalms that are nearly identical, highlighting the different applications for different groups. Often we embrace the idea that to come to God we need to clean ourselves up quite a bit. In fact, the opposite is true—God is looking for people who are...

Too Clever by Half: Part 3 | Episode 104

Using the topics of cremation, political pandering, and apologetics, Barry concludes our series on cleverness. He reminds us that having a faith based in grace should center all of our confidence in Christ, leaving humility for ourselves and openness towards others....

Too Clever by Half: Part 2 | Episode 103

Who is crazy enough to talk about women as preachers, Rick Warren and Al Mohler, and infant salvation all in one 45-minute podcast? I think we all know who. These topics all stir numerous pots and need a good helping of nuance in order to promote greater understanding...

Too Clever by Half: Part 1 | Episode 102

Everybody wants to be clever, right? While cleverness might seem like a good thing, at times it can cloak the truth. Barry begins a new series and introduces the concept by means of his Junior High debate skills, non-Euclidean geometry, and a child’s maze.  ...

I, We, and They | Episode 101

Barry takes us on a journey through various aspects of identity, highlighting the importance of acknowledging differences while extending moral equality. Ethics is in the same line of work as the good news: breaking down barriers and crossing lines.    ...