by Daisy Reynolds | Aug 30, 2023
Christianity is no less susceptible to Pharisaism than Judaism was. The second of two episodes on incarnation highlights Christ’s teaching that we are not better than others, just better together. Scriptures: Gal 6:1-3, 14, 20, 6:9-10 Eph 3:17-19,...
by Daisy Reynolds | Aug 23, 2023
Barry lays the groundwork for a conversation about the strengths and weaknesses of representational and incarnational Christianity. One is more familiar than the other, perhaps, but both have something to teach us about what we have been given and what we have to give...
by Daisy Reynolds | Aug 16, 2023
A broken world has a lot of problems. Our goal then, is to find solutions to those problems, right? Wrong. Our goal should be finding our Deliverer before we find our solution. In doing that through prayer we will deal with a problem we sometimes neglect—us. ...
by Daisy Reynolds | Aug 9, 2023
Barry finishes up the conversation about Affirmative Action, covering the topics of quotas, tokens, and barriers to a level playing field. When it comes down to it, as we’ve learned before, our problem is clinging to our shallow arguments, not the difficulty of...
by Daisy Reynolds | Aug 2, 2023
As background for a discussion about equity and peacemaking, Barry gives us a history lesson through the twists and turns of JFK’s Affirmative Action. A major stop on the way is colorblindness, and whether or not it is a beneficial impediment. Referenced Episode:...