by Daisy Reynolds | Feb 21, 2024
Barry covers the very good news of the gospel: God loves you. This love is the grounding for the commandment and invitation to love others. This “others” will include all kinds: those who are easy to love, those we are afraid to love, and those who don’t love us. If...
by Daisy Reynolds | Feb 14, 2024
On this Valentine’s Day, Barry starts a series focused on love. How important is this thing anyway? What is it not? What does it produce? And what drives it? God answers all these questions in his son, and we ought to be taking notes in preparation for how we...
by Daisy Reynolds | Feb 7, 2024
Barry walks us through an addendum to the On Purpose episode (131), highlighting the differences between being human and being a human. While all humans are equally valuable, God’s purpose for each sets them apart. Scriptures: Psalm 139, 116; Gen 9; Lev 19; Acts 3, 2...
by Daisy Reynolds | Jan 31, 2024
We may prefer our day-to-day experiences, to understand and measure out our lives with coffee spoons. But Barry reminds us that God is beyond understanding. The fact that our relationship with God is the most fulfilling thing we can experience means we must also be...
by Daisy Reynolds | Jan 24, 2024
Barry revisits a well-known set of verses in a somewhat less known Psalm for Sanctity of Life week. While Psalm 139 does indicate that our beginning is “fearful and wonderful” it also explains why our end is sacred. Scriptures: Psalm 139, 119:105 Job...