Babies and Bathwater: Part 2 | Episode 192

Barry revisits his question-and-answer series, this time focusing on the process of change in relationships. This could be a church, a business, or a couple—anywhere there are people. We know the honeymoon phase will pass, but still find it odd that it does.  ...

Painting Tabernacle | Episode 191

Barry walks with us through an imaginary art museum, stopping in front of Psalm 89. This painting’s canvas, background, and complex foreground include most if not all of the colors of the other Psalms, just as the Davidic Covenant echoes the whole of Yahweh’s...

Babies and Bathwater: Part 1 | Episode 190

Barry begins a series covering some of the great questions he has encountered through many (and I mean many) years of ministry. Today’s question has to do with what is essential to believe when coming to Christ. The one thing about Jesus that sets him apart from every...

Fault Lines and Affinities | Episode 189

Barry continues to think through how to get back to civil discourse, using Robert Frost’s poem, The Gift Outright, to remind us of what we have in common. Simplifying our differences to one or the other side of a political divide does very little for either side and...

Human, Take the Wheel Already | Episode 188

Barry once again reminds us what our job is and what our job ain’t. One can determine the outcome they wish before they begin the journey, but God has actually given us the task to complete the journey, no matter where it ends, in a particular way. To lose sight of...