Dive deeper into your faith with Dr. Barry Creamer.
A Vast Blue Ocean of Differences, Seemingly Unpolluted by Commonality
By the time average Joes and Janes observe the almost imperceptible object’s tiny, white silhouette adrift in an ocean of blue sky, the military has already tracked it from the Aleutian islands and other parts of Alaska, through Canada, and then to Montana. From...
Technology Will Never Eliminate Humanity’s Uniqueness
Apparently Artificial Intelligence (AI) is about to end the need for journalism and academic writing, replace research and philosophical inquiry, and make higher education and human knowledge superfluous—all in the next few months or years. (If you haven’t already,...
Road Rage Isn’t a Priority When All You Want Is To Get Home
I am on the freeway about 15 years ago between teaching philosophy in Denton and arriving home in Arlington. A couple of lanes over and a few hundred yards behind me I notice two vehicles alternately racing in front of each other and stopping short, a 3-lane clearing...
240 Successive Slow-Stalking Cats
Four minutes remain before my homemade fat-free pita-pizza is ready to pull from the oven. Normally, four minutes are a fleeting fifteenth of an hour. Now that I’m hungry, though, four minutes are 240 successive slow-stalking cats. I turn my back on the clock,...
Eternity’s Always Promising Attraction
There is a towering cumulus cloud billowing to the west as the sun sets. Its internal hues lean just enough to darker grays and blues to declare that given the right atmospheric circumstance, it could have been a cumulonimbus. But the golds, salmons, and fuchsias...
God Declares That You Are the Light of the World
“And God made the two great lights—the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night—and the stars. And God set them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth, to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light...