Dive deeper into your faith with Dr. Barry Creamer.
God Confronts Us With the Absurd
Mary’s objection to Gabriel is more right than she knows. “How will this be…?” means “This is not possible.” And it is not. An announcement cannot make a virgin pregnant. Per Solomon’s prayer and Jesus’ own words to a Samaritan woman: God cannot be contained or...
Sent To Be Light
The temple provides setting for all 3 opening accounts in Luke’s gospel—John the Baptist’s birth, Jesus’ birth, and young Jesus’ return to Jerusalem without his parents. In the temple, Gabriel announces John’s coming birth to Zechariah, Zechariah and Elisabeth name...
He Is Faithful Even When We Are Not
Some things are hard to believe. Isaiah prophesies that the powerful kingdoms harassing Judah from the north will be overturned within a generation. All Ahaz needs is faith: “If you do not establish your faith, you will not be established” (Isaiah 7:9b). Knowing...
Give Thanks Unto the Lord
Of course, every day ought to be Thanksgiving Day for believers, given not only the New Testament’s variety of admonitions to give thanks always and for all things, but also the Old Testament’s repeated lyric: “Oh give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good.” But this...
Beware: Pottery in Use
They sit in perfectly disarrayed order unused for the moment: bowls with or without legs or pedestal; jars and cups with and without handle; pots, vases, dishes, pitchers. Each is the product of a loved daughter’s hand—testimony to the creativity and artisanship she...
Dragons on the Ceiling
Two year old children do not often go quietly into any good night. That truth being instantiated recently, a dad lies down with his toddler son, attempting to apply the sedative of presence. “Dad, there are two dragons on the ceiling.” “No, son, that’s a ceiling fan.”...