All Day Long | Episode 136

Barry covers Psalm 71, highlighting that in David’s very best moments, what might have looked like his apparent strength to others was actually his dependence on God. In this description of David’s “strength” we see a golden nugget: the further we seem to be from...

Out of Gas?

In 1981, cell phones are less likely in the future than the giant appliances the Jetsons use to make video calls. Out of the cash I should have shepherded better through the week, and with only a quarter tank in the Cutlass Supreme Coupe my parents handed down to me...

When Our Hearts Say Go, but Our Feet Say No

Reluctance radiates through the talons he uses to climb my back and perch precariously on my shoulders in order to jump into the waves between me and my son-in-law, his father. There is no real danger. His dad is an arm’s length away. Even the little boy standing on...