Puffy Faces and Blurred Vision

Before the next graduate entered my office, I could hear her crying, administrators buoying her with affirmations. After some Lamaze breathing, she seemed composed again, ready to be delivered her diploma. Our Vice President for Academic Affairs led her to the...

A Squirrel’s Backstory

Squirrels are interchangeable. To see one nervous, darting, fluff-tail-balanced, imperious nut-nibbling imp-rodent is to see them all. In Matthew’s account, Jesus laments for Jerusalem en masse, a city he wills to protect as a hen would her chicks, because he sees...

Finding You by Seeing Others | Episode 5

While judgement is reserved for God, the spectacles of redemption are shared with us. May we look out and find people God created for us to see, hear, and serve. Scriptures: Romans 5:19 Daniel 9 Matthew 25 Matthew 7-8 Luke 8:42-48 John 5:2-9 Matthew 20:29-34 Jonah...