Eternity’s Always Promising Attraction

There is a towering cumulus cloud billowing to the west as the sun sets. Its internal hues lean just enough to darker grays and blues to declare that given the right atmospheric circumstance, it could have been a cumulonimbus. But the golds, salmons, and fuchsias...

Under Every Stone

Is a demon involved when something bad happens? Many of the people Jesus restores from physical and spiritual infirmities are oppressed by demons (e.g., Matthew 12:23, Matthew 8:23ff). Satan tempts Jesus (Matthew 4:1-11), and Jesus warns Peter that the adversary...

Christians Lead Only Because They Follow

Strong leaders and good leaders: not the same thing. Strong leaders require nothing more than confidence. Video-festos of feigned expertise stock the tank today. History is sedimented with puffered professors and preachers, postured politicians and pundits, angry...

Secrets Are a Dirty Fuel Filter

“How long till we’re home?” “About 45 minutes.” A friend had asked the question from the van’s back seat just before what would turn out to be a dirty fuel filter began eroding the vehicle’s performance, most notably reducing its velocity from...