Too Clever by Half: Part 2 | Episode 103

Who is crazy enough to talk about women as preachers, Rick Warren and Al Mohler, and infant salvation all in one 45-minute podcast? I think we all know who. These topics all stir numerous pots and need a good helping of nuance in order to promote greater understanding...

An Insult to Your Sovereignty: Part 2 | Episode 30

This episode completes our insult to your sovereignty and holiness. A thorough insult requires two steps: 1) acknowledging that our moral duties may oppose one another at times (there are several right things we should do but choosing one negates the other) and 2)...

An Insult to Your Sovereignty: Part 1 | Episode 29

We place too much confidence in our ability to work our way into good standing with God and not enough confidence in the power of God’s grace and mercy. Because we begin and end each day in the latter, it would be silly not to live the in-between there as well.  ...