Secrets Are a Dirty Fuel Filter

“How long till we’re home?” “About 45 minutes.” A friend had asked the question from the van’s back seat just before what would turn out to be a dirty fuel filter began eroding the vehicle’s performance, most notably reducing its velocity from...

Sorry Not Sorry: Part 3 | Episode 77

Barry finishes up the series on forgiveness and repentance, keeping in mind that knowing the destination is forgiveness doesn’t make the journey simple. This episode focuses on how the offended and community deal with offenders, pointing out that mercy does not have...

Parts Per Million | Episode 37

Barry talks through Psalm 28 and leads us to the time-worn and yet sometimes surprising message that we are separated from those who face judgment only by the grace of God, without anything to earn it on our part. And then what naturally follows: If we can receive...

A Squirrel’s Backstory

Squirrels are interchangeable. To see one nervous, darting, fluff-tail-balanced, imperious nut-nibbling imp-rodent is to see them all. In Matthew’s account, Jesus laments for Jerusalem en masse, a city he wills to protect as a hen would her chicks, because he sees...

Meek and Wild | Episode 21

Barry talks about why sometimes we front-load the good news with bad news instead, and he offers a new way of thinking about our part in sharing the gospel.     Scriptures: Acts 14:8-17, 17:22-31, 3:13-15 Ephesians 4:15 Matthew 23 Ezekiel 34: 1-6 Luke...