Eternity’s Always Promising Attraction

There is a towering cumulus cloud billowing to the west as the sun sets. Its internal hues lean just enough to darker grays and blues to declare that given the right atmospheric circumstance, it could have been a cumulonimbus. But the golds, salmons, and fuchsias...

Yearning for Eternity

Observing the sun through a telescope has blinded a lot of people and melted a lot of optics, and therefore requires a filter to eliminate 99.999%—that’s the real proportion; not hyperbole—of incoming light. So just before dawn I cover my scope’s aperture with solar...

Eternity Envelopes Us

One opposite to time’s moment is eternity-to-come: “then” replacing “now”; future’s fulness overcoming present’s poverty. Thoreau uses a stream to describe another opposition: a juxtaposition of what is constantly passing with what just as constantly remains. “Time is...