Something Is in the Air

My sense of smell is somewhat compromised, likely a side-effect either of a severe nasal problem during my childhood or the constant use of 1970s sprays, ointments, and other medications to treat it. Some scents seem unaffected: strawberries and such, thank heaven;...

The Attention It Deserves

In the past week, about 1,800 miles of pavement make its way under my truck’s wheels. The ubiquitous white stripes beloved by would-be passers flash staccato disruptions in my peripheral vision practically every part of every longitudinal mile—from Dallas to Oklahoma...


As an undergraduate, I learned from John Donne’s Holy Sonnet 14 just how daunting, beautiful, provocative, and comforting poetry can be. The prayer-in-verse is below. Below that, for those who want it, is a paraphrase—not to touch its boundless nuances, but to bridge...

He Is Faithful Even When We Are Not

Some things are hard to believe. Isaiah prophesies that the powerful kingdoms harassing Judah from the north will be overturned within a generation. All Ahaz needs is faith: “If you do not establish your faith, you will not be established” (Isaiah 7:9b). Knowing...

The Family Tree

A genealogy culminating in Noah and his sons as the new hope for mankind is about its progenitor: Adam. “This is the book of the genealogy of Adam” (Genesis 5:1). A lineage arriving at the world divided in Babel is about its progenitors: Noah and his sons. “Now this...

Under Every Stone

Is a demon involved when something bad happens? Many of the people Jesus restores from physical and spiritual infirmities are oppressed by demons (e.g., Matthew 12:23, Matthew 8:23ff). Satan tempts Jesus (Matthew 4:1-11), and Jesus warns Peter that the adversary...

Remembering, Trusting, and Serving Him

In ancient Israel, as much of the Mediterranean Basin, with no police, no formal court system, justice comes at the hand of a kinsman-redeemer, an avenger (same term). In one case, you are involved in the tragic but accidental death of your neighbor. His brother, the...

Yearning for Eternity

Observing the sun through a telescope has blinded a lot of people and melted a lot of optics, and therefore requires a filter to eliminate 99.999%—that’s the real proportion; not hyperbole—of incoming light. So just before dawn I cover my scope’s aperture with solar...

Puffy Faces and Blurred Vision

Before the next graduate entered my office, I could hear her crying, administrators buoying her with affirmations. After some Lamaze breathing, she seemed composed again, ready to be delivered her diploma. Our Vice President for Academic Affairs led her to the...

Speak With God

God invites—commands—us to speak with him. And before we ask, “But what should we say?”, he has already written and delivered to us an entire book of poetic prayers to read or recite back to him. Circumstance invites—compels—us to speak with God, to implore his...